Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Patchwork Quilting in the Countryside!

Patchwork quilting has headed out of the shops and into the countryside!
Across many states there has been a plethora of organizations that are encouraging very large quilt blocks to be painted on the sides of barns! Since quilting has its roots in the heartlands of our country it is only fitting that patchwork quilting returns to its roots to help raise monies and besides they are fun to find! I share just one of them here... you can find it, along with lots more, patchwork quilting barns and otherwise, just by clicking HERE. I hope to see you soon!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Patchwork Quilting; Art or Craft?

Patchwork quilting has always fallen in the realm of the unknown when it comes to whether it is truly a craft or an art. It is this authors view that it basically depends on what you are doing in patchwork quilting to determine that answer.

But first we must decide, that we make our art, or our craft, our patchwork quilting for ourselves, no matter what it is called. I, personally, for years, have put a pair of glow in the dark lips on the back of my quilts... I use it as the label and put the name of my quilt, if it has one, along with my name and the date on it. Why glow in the dark lips? Because no matter if the viewer, or potential client, may or may not like it, I made it for ME, and I like it. If they do, and they would like to purchase it, if available, that is fine and I am glad that it will enrich their lives... but if they do not like it, then the glow in the dark lips mean exactly what you would think, "Kiss my Artichoke" because I made it for me, and I like it. I guess I have always been very glad that all my private clients have always loved what I do for them, even if they haven't seen or had a say or sway on the end result... but I have been lucky to make the quilts I like nonetheless... Oh, and no, I have never let them in on the meaning of the lips... so do me a favor and don't tell them either!

That being said I have made and make both craft and art quilts. Even though my training is in art I look at it this way... I might make something I call a vessel, but what I make, like the pots I threw in art classes will never compare to a Dale Chihuly glass vessel. In this case, his is art, mine is craft. I look at my quilts the same way. If I make a functional, made to be put on a bed or cuddled up with, quilt, I personally see that as craft, even if I use all the same processes I utilize for my art quilts. It is only when I put my art background, with all that entails, regardless of processes, to work to make a true piece of art do I ever think of them that way or refer to them as art quilts. So I make both and value both for what they were intended. One might outvalue the other, but that is more because of function, and where it will hang or be used.

That is not to say that I am right... lots of people have many varied opinions... I welcome you to leave your Patchwork Quilting opinion too!